
Showing posts from September, 2016

Different Methods of Lub oil Analysis

1. ELEMENTAL (SPECTROMETRIC) ANALYSIS:-        This test uses a spectrometer to measure the level of specific chemical present in an oil. There are two types:- a) Arc emission spectrometer and b)ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) spectrometer. Principle--- An oil sample is mixed first with a solvent and then with argon gas to form a fine mist.This mist is introduced into a plasma flame. Elemental metals present in the sample will emit energy in the form of light when introduced to plasma. Each element  emits light at known wavelengths. By measuring the intensity of light emitted at these known wavelengths the calibrated instrument can determine the concentration in PPM for the metallic elements present in the sample. 2. FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED (FTIR) SPECTROSCOPY:-       It is a versatile tool used to detect common contaminants, lub degradation byproducts and additives within lube oil. When exposed to infra red radiations molecules absorb radiations at very specific wavelength.