STATIC STABILITY:- 1) It is defined as the ability of a ship to regain its upright equilibrium position, after the removal of external factor which caused the vessel to heel at an angle. 2) It gives the stability information of a vessel under the condition that the outside water is static. 3) It is expressed in terms of metacentric height. i.e. GM ( for angle of heel up to 10 degree) and righting lever GZ ( for angle of heel above 10 degree) 4) It’s unit is meter 5) Static stability at two different angle of heel can be the same. DYNAMIC STABILITY:- 1) It is defined as the energy required heeling the ship from upright equilibrium till the angle of heel in question. 2) It gives the stability information of a vessel considering dynamic behavior of the sea. 3) It is expressed in terms of the area under righting moment curve. ( or GZ curve multiplied by displacement of the ship in tons) 4) It’s unit is ton-meter-radian 5) The dynamic stability at two different angle...