CONDITION OF ASSIGNMENT:-   These are the conditions which must be met before free board is assigned to a ship and load line certificate is issued following a load line survey. Free boards are computed assuming ship to be a completely enclosed and watertight/ weather tight envelop. The convention then goes onto recognize the practical need for opening in the ship and prescribes means of protection and closure of such openings. These are called condition of assignment, since the assignment of computed free board is conditional upon the prescribed means of protection and closure of openings such as hatchways, doorways, ventilation, air pipes, scuppers etc. Following are the conditions which must be met before assigning the load line :-
1) Enough structural strength should be possessed.
2) Enough reserve buoyancy should be possessed
3) Safety and protection of crew.
4) Prevent entry of water into hull
   Ships are to surveyed annually to ensure that they fulfill the condition of assignment.
                        Most of the condition of assignment are concerned with the water tight integrity of the ship. Hull construction should meet the highest standard laid down by the classification society. This ensures protection against flooding of the ship. The superstructure and the bulkheads must be strengthened sufficiently. Some of the condition of assignment which contribute towards water tight integrity are:-
1) Hatchways
2) Machinery space openings
3) Details of opening in free board
4) Details of opening in super structure deck
5) ventilators
6) Cargo ports
7) Air pipes
8) Scuppers
9) Side scuttles
10) Inlets and discharges
             All of the above parameters ensures watertight integrity and protection against flooding of compartment. If above are not watertight then during rough weather water can enter into the areas below main deck causing to reduce the free board. So, condition of assignment very much contributes towards water integrity of the ship. Also if green sea effect is not reduced and water is being accumulated on the deck , it can cause free board to reduce and add free surface effect. In rough weather if any longitudinal or transverse girder give way it can cause structural failure and water can enter area below main deck.
      Because of this coaming height of hatchways, height of sound pipes and vent pipes are prescribed in M.S. load line rules.
       Condition of assignment needs periodic inspection to ensure that ship condition are such that above mentioned items are maintained in good order. During periodic inspection surveyor shall assume that no material alterations have been made to the hull or superstructure that would affect the calculation determining the position of loadline. This can be found out by reviewing the records of condition of assignment.
          Examples of items which may no longer fulfill the conditions could be:-
1) Coaming of hatches, ventilators, air pipes -- corrosion especially at weather deck level
2) Gangways, rails, bulwarks --- damaged or not properly secured, will hamper the safety of crew
3) In engine room ship side valves and stub pieces can get corroded and thinned down with time, so they need periodic inspection.
4) Sealing arrangements of closing devices are made of neoprene. They become hard with time and needs renewal.
5) Corrosion reduces resilience of locking arrangement. So, they need to be inspected.


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