Corrosion can be mitigated primarily by two methods. One method is technical approach, which includes coating, cathodic protection and inhibitors etc. The other method is managerial approach, which is less technical and more managerial. This has been not a major focus of attention for ship owners for many years. Corrosion management is concerned with the development, implementation, review and maintenance of the corrosion policy.
     The general conclusion of some authors is that the causes of corrosion related a failure is human error/ poor management control. These causes include lack of inspection/ monitoring, poor communication, mal -operation, insufficient design review and inattention to warnings/ technical information.
       Successful management of corrosion means that corrosion hazards are identified and the associated risks are minimized by implementation of appropriate action before significant damage is sustained by the installation. Use of corrosion inspection and corrosion monitoring in a proactive way( determining the deterioration rate and action to change the rate) and predictive maintenance ( maintenance action based on equipment condition) are effective strategies for corrosion management.
        Investigation into a series of marine casualties have revealed that about 40% of them have resulted from structural failures and corrosion deterioration is found to be single largest factor leading to such failures.
      The first recommendation came in 1996 with ESP of hull  structures of bulk carriers and tankers, which specified the positive reporting of the condition of structural members in corrosion prone area.
       In order to combat corrosion deterioration of hull structure, the fight should ideally begin from the building stage. The first  serious and implementable regulatory measure was made in 1998, by amending SOLAS to include a corrosion prevention system for ballast tank.
      CAS to ascertain the actual longitudinal  strength after taking into account of the actual corrosion deterioration was made mandatory in 2002 for all tankers older than 15 years. Class societies were assigning CAP notations prior to this which was not mandatory.
      Now GBS is mandatory. In 2006 PSPC (Performance standard for protective coating), which stipulate the surface preparation and application of coating at new building stage and in their subsequent inspection and planned maintenance throughout a vessel's life.


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