SHIP RECYCLING:- It means the activity of complete or partial dismantling of a ship at a ship recycling facility in order to recover components and materials for reprocessing and reuse whilst taking care of hazardous and other material, and include associated operations such as storage and treatment of components and materials on site, but not their further processing or disposal in separate facilities.
Article 8 of the convention says about the inspection by PSC. Under this convention 2 certificates are issued. They are

  1. International certificate on Inventory of Hazardous material.
  2. International ready for recycling certificate.
When 15 states of 40% world tonnage and out of these states 3 state should have combined maximum annual ship recycling volume in preceding 10 years constitute not less than 3% of gross tonnage of combined merchant shipping of same states will ratify it, then 24 months later this convention will come in force.
Regulation 4:- Control of ship's hazardous material
 1) each party shall prohibit or restrict the installation or use of hazardous material listed in appendix 1 on ships entitled to fly its flag
2) Shall prohibit or restrict the installation or use of such material on ships, whilst in its ports, shipyard, ship repair yard or offshore terminal.
Regulation 5:- Inventory of hazardous material
   Each ship will have an inventory of hazardous material. Inventory shall be verified by administration or RO taking into account guidelines developed by IMO.

Preparation for ship recycling:-
Regulation 8:- Ship destined to be recycled shall only be recycled at ship recycling facilities that are authorized in accordance with this convention.
Regulation 9:- Ship recycling plan
      A ship specific ship recycling plan shall be developed by the ship recycling facilities prior to any recycling of a ship. Plan should be developed taking into account information provided by the ship owner.Ship recycling plan will require either explicit approval or tacit approval from competent authorities

survey and certification:-
Regulation 10:- Survey
  1. Initial survey
  2. Renewal survey at 5 yrs. This will verify part 1 of inventory of hazardous material
  3. An additional survey at request of ship owner after a change, replacement or significant repair of structure, equipment etc.
  4. A final survey prior to the ship being taken out of service and before recycling of ship has started.
The final survey will verify
  • Inventory of hazardous material
  • ship recycling plan
  • ship recycling facilities
Regulation 14:- Duration and validity of certificate
       Certificate will cease to to be valid in following cases:-
  1. Condition of ship does not correspond substantially with particular of the certificate, including part 1 of inventory of hazardous material is not maintained or updated.
  2. Upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another state.
  3. if renewal survey is not completed
Requirements for ship recycling facilities:-
Regulation 15:- Controls on ship recycling facilities
              Each party shall establish legislation, regulation and standard for the design, construction of ship recycling facilities.
Regulation 16:- Authorization of ship cycling facilities
       ship recycling facilities shall be authorized by a party taking into guidelines developed by organization.Authorization shall be valid for maximum 5 years.
Regulation 18:- Ship recycling plan
     Ship recycling facilities authorized by party shall prepare a ship recycling plan which shall be adopted by board or the appropriate governing body of recycling company.
  1. Policy ensuring worker's safety and protection of human health and environment.
  2. A system for ensuring implementation of the requirements set out in this convention
  3. Identification of roles and responsibilities for employers and workers.
  4. A program for providing appropriate information and training of workers for the safe and environmentally sound operation of ship recycling facility.
  5. An emergency preparedness and response plan
  6. A system for monitoring the ship recycling
  7. A record keeping system
  8. A system for reporting discharges, emission, incidents and accidents causing damage to worker's safety, human health and the environment
  9. A system for reporting occupational disease
Regulation 20:- safe and environmentally sound management of hazardous materials:-
Ship recycling facilities authorized by a party shall ensure that all hazardous materials detailed in the inventory are identified, labelled, packaged and removed to the maximum extent possible prior to cutting by properly trained and equipped workers taking into account the guidelines developed by the organization in particular:-
  1. Hazardous liquids, residues and sediments
  2. Substances or objects containing heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium.
  3. Paints and coating that are highly toxic and flammable
  4. Asbestos
  5. PCB and materials containing PCB
  6. CFC and Halons
Regulation 21:- Emergency preparedness and response
Ship recycling facilities authorized by party shall establish and maintain an emergency preparedness and response plan
  1. Plan should ensure that it has necessary equipment and procedures to be followed in case of emergency and drills are conducted.
  2. Necessary information, internal communication and co-ordination are provided to protect all people and environment in case of an emergency.
  3. Provide for first aid and medical assistance, fire fighting and evacuation of people, pollution prevention
Regulation 23:- All above things to be reported to competent authorities
Regulation 24:- Initial notification and reporting requirement
  1. ship owner shall notify administration in due time and in writing of the intention to recycle a ship in order to enable the administration to prepare for survey and certification
  2. A ship recycling facility when preparing a ship to receive for recycling shall notify in due time and in writing its competent authorities of the intent. Notification shall include name of the ship, Flag, date of registry, Port of registry, IMO no., Type of ship, Name and address of ship owner, Name and address of company, Classification society, Ship particulars, Inventory of hazardous materials.
  3. When ship destined to be recycled has acquired the International Ready for Recycling Certificate, the ship recycling facility shall report to its competent authorities, the planned start of the ship recycling.
Regulation 25:- Reporting upon completion
     After completion of recycling, the recycling facility should issue a statement of completion and report to its competent authorities. The authorities should send a copy of statement to administration which had issued the International ready for recycling certificate for the ship. Report shall be issued within 14 days after completion of recycling and shall include a report on incident and accidents damaging human health and environment.


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