Safety and Security related Reporting Centers under India Coastline

INDIAN Search and rescue region ( ISSR) :-
       Conforming to the provision of SAR convention 1979, Indian coastguard has brought into operations a supplementary ship position reporting system with effect from 1st Feb 2003 called Indian ship reporting system ( INDSAR). This system is operated and maintained by Indian coastguard through their Maritime Rescue co-ordination center at Mumbai.( MRCC)
                         All Indian ships of 100 GRT and above entering into or transiting ISRR shall participate in INDSAR reporting system. All ships other than Indian ships of 300 GRT and above entering or transiting through the above region are encouraged to participate in INDSAR reporting system.
           All ships of 100 GRT and above irrespective of the Flag carrying a nuclear or other inherently dangerous or noxious substances or materials entering into ISRR are encouraged to participate in INDSAR reporting system for safety.
    All ships of 20 years and above irrespective of Flag are advised to send the relevant report under INDSAR within ISRR.

INDIAN Ship position and information reporting system ( INSPIRES) :-
         Indian navy in co-ordination with DG of Shipping has established INSPIRES to exercise effective open ocean vessel management,to provide security to vessel, weather forecast to enhance safety of navigation and monitor incidence of pollution.
           An Indian Naval communication center ( COMCENs) Mumbai and Vizag are functioning as the shore stations for receiving INSPIRES messages from vessels.
     All Indian vessels including coasting/ fishing vessels of tonnage 300 GRT and above shall participate in this reporting system.
       All vessels other than Indian ships of tonnage 100 GRT and above are encouraged to participate in this reporting system.

  1) INDSAR :- All ships between 100 GRT to 299 GRT which are not fully complying with the GMDSS shall send relevant report through VHF CH 16 or MF band through coastguard station located along the coastline of India. OR their owners can forward report to MRSC or MRCC( nearest) to forward it to MRCC (Mumbai)
   SOLAS complying vessel using INMARSAT -C can report through toll free code 43 through LES ARVI.
2) INSPIRES Reporting :- Vessel not complying with SOLAS can send report as was the case in INDSAR.
              SOLAS complying vessels can mail at


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