Contamination of Products in Product carrier

Contamination of Products in Product carrier
To carry different types of product simultaneously in a product carrier is a big challenge. Products can be contaminated because of following reasons:-

  1. Liquid contamination due to overfilling a tank.
  2. Vapor contamination through inert gas main
  3. Low flash point cargoes can contaminate the high flash cargoes
To prevent the contamination of products with different contaminants precautions are as follows:-
  1. From water:- For loading critical cargoes such as aviation kerosene or lub oil, care should be taken to achieve a compatible standard of preparation throughout that portion of cargo system allocated to critical product.
             .a) The cargo lines which are to load or discharge the critical product, should be opened and                           drained dry. This includes manifolds, droplines, pump discharge lines and tank suction lines.
              b) Cargo pumps and their associated air vessels, strainers and by-passes should be opened and                        drained dry.
              c) Individual tank suction valves should be opened and remain open during the mopping process.
     2. Coatings :- Coatings containing zinc may not be suitable for the carriage of aviation fuels as zinc can                dissolve into cargo and can reduce the thermal stability. Stainless steel is subjected to attack by                       chlorinated compound.
     3. Liquid compatibility :- If the grades are not compatible, each grade should be loaded through a                      separate system with segregation provided by two valves or a blind.
     4. Vapor compatibility :- If vapor mixing can occur each cargo should be loaded on a separate cargo               and  vent system with vent system cross valves locked and tagged in closed position. Interconnecting             inert   gas block valve can also be isolated.
But for doing all above SOLAS should be kept in mind after doing risk assessment.


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