Role of Chief engineer in implementation of MARPOL 73/78

MARPOL 73/78 has got 6 annexes which deals with pollution caused by merchant vessels. All annexes have chapters and each chapter has regulations which deal with pollution prevention caused by merchant vessels. as a chief engineer one has huge responsibility that vessel is complying with all the regulations of MARPOL. To ensure this he should check the following in general and for annex 1 in particular:-

1) CERTIFICATION :- Statutory certification of ships complying with the requirement of the MARPOL regulations acts as an aid to ensure adherence to international regulation. Annex 1, II, IV and VI gives IOPPC, IPPC, ISPPC and  IAPPC to ships which comply with the regulations laid down in the respective annexes. Like IOPP certificate is issued after initial survey before ship is put in service or renewal survey in accordance with regulation 6 of annex I, to all ships of 400 Gt and above and to all oil Tankers of 150 Gt and above, by administration or an RO. C/E should check that the certificate is valid.

2) RECORD KEEPING :- MARPOL requires vessel to carry various record book to log, carrying out of operations having a potential for carrying pollution. These record books are subject to inspection. For e.g. various records are ORB, CRB, and GRB described in annex I,II,and IV respectively.
       In particular to annex I regulation 17 says every ship of 400 GT and above and oil tankers of 150 GT and above shall be provided with an oil record book part 1 which is for machinery space operation. As C/E he should be careful to enter the following operations chronologically --
   a) Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
   b) Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tank
   c) Collection and disposal of oil residues.
   d) Discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces.
   e) Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
          All the above operations shall be fully recorded without delay in ORB part 1. Each completed operation shall be signed by officer in charge of the operation. It shall be preserved for 3 years on board.

3)  SURVEYS:-  Ships are subjected to initial, renewal and intermediate surveys to ensure system, arrangements and material fully comply with requirement.
     Regulation 6 of Annex I says that oil tanker of 150 GT and above and all ships of 400 GT and above shall be subjected to initial, renewal, intermediate and an annual survey with regards to the enforcement of the provisions of this annex. As a C/E its his duty to ensure that all the surveys ( class and statutory) are completed at time.

4) CONTROL OF OPERATIONAL POLLUTION:- MARPOL provides regulations for construction and operation of ships and equipment to control pollution. Every annex has regulations which direct the constructional and operational requirement. Like annex I says about tank construction and oil discharge, Annex II categorizes noxious liquid substances and measures for control, annex III deals with packing, marking, lebelling, documentation and stowage of harmful substances, annex IV details the control measures for discharge of sewage. Annex V details location and requirements for disposal of garbage. Annex VI details various limits and control measures for air pollution from ODS, NOx, SOx, VOCs etc.
Under Annex I regulation 14 and 15 tells about the oil filtering equipment and condition under which oily water can be discharged.
As C/E, he should check that :-

  • Shipboard personnel are familiarized with operation and maintenance of pollution prevention equipment.
  • Ensure regular testing of operation and alarms of pollution prevention equipment.
  • Ensure maintenance and testing is carried out as per PMS.
  • Operating procedure to be properly posted.
  • To ensure availability of sufficient spares of above equipment.
5) RECEPTION FACILITIES :- MARPOL requires provision of reception facilities for pollution listed in its annexes at ports and repair facilities. As C/E one should use the reception facilities for disposal of pollutants and should keep the receipts as records.

6) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS :- MARPOL also provides for emergency action required in the event of a pollution incident to minimize and control extent of pollution like SOPEP, SMPEP, and Garbage management plan under annex I,II, and IV.
As C/E one should make sure that 
  • Drills are carried out to ensure emergency preparedness.
  • Bunkering and oil transfer procedures are clearly posted. BDN and other records are maintained.


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