
Showing posts from June, 2014

IEC and NEMA standards of marine electrotecnology

INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION  It is a non profit, non-governmental, international standard organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies - collectively known as " electrotechnology".               IEC standards cover a vast range of technologies from power generations, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment, semiconductor, fiber optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology and marine energy.                           IEC works from its central office (CO) in Geneva who supports technical committees in the development of standards. The operations of the CO and the set up of new technical committees (TCs) are guided by the standardization management board ( SMB) from elected members of national committees. (NCs)    The members of NCs are stakeholders from industry, academia, government and NGOs. The NCs form the interested group of each TC by sending th

Steps to reduce refrigerant gas leak and its dangers to environment.

OZONE DEPLETION POTENTIAL      Ozone depleting substances (ODS) vary in their capacity to destroy ozone molecules. So scientists have developed a method of characterizing the relative depletion caused by different ODS. ODP is the ratio of calculated ozone column change for each mass unit of a gas emitted into the atmosphere relative to the calculated depletion for the reference gas CFC 11 ( ODP =1) GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL       Global warming potential (GWP) is a measure of how much a given mass of a gas contributes to global warming. GWP is a relative scale which compares the amount of heat trapped by green house gas to the amount of heat trapped in the same mass of carbon-di-oxide. ODP and GWP of conventional refrigerant gas are as follows:-       Gas                                                       ODP                                   GWP R-11                                               1.0                                        4000 R-12                      

Identification, Certification and Maintenance of Loose gears and wire ropes

When a lifting appliance fails the consequences can be far reaching. Serious injury and death can occur, not just to personnel but to the general public.                      For derricks, deck cranes, hose handling cranes and ER cranes annual thorough examinations are to be held once in every 12 months period, unless otherwise stated by ship's flag administration. LOOSE GEARS :-          Loose gear is any item which attaches the load to the appliance or an interchangeable item in the load path, not permanently attached to the lifting appliance. Loose gear items include ---       Hooks, Blocks, Chains, Shackles, Swivels, Rings, Links, Slings, Grab bucket, Spreader, Lifting beams and Lifting frames.      Loose gear should be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once every year, or more often as required by a national authority, company procedure, a competent body or competent person.      Metallic loose gear items are generally to be made up of steel o