
Showing posts from May, 2017


SHIP RECYCLING: - It means the activity of complete or partial dismantling of a ship at a ship recycling facility in order to recover components and materials for reprocessing and reuse whilst taking care of hazardous and other material, and include associated operations such as storage and treatment of components and materials on site, but not their further processing or disposal in separate facilities. THIS CONVENTION DOES NOT APPLY TO SHIP LESS THAN 500 GT. Article 8 of the convention says about the inspection by PSC. Under this convention 2 certificates are issued. They are International certificate on Inventory of Hazardous material. International ready for recycling certificate. ENTRY INTO FORCE:- When 15 states of 40% world tonnage and out of these states 3 state should have combined maximum annual ship recycling volume in preceding 10 years constitute not less than 3% of gross tonnage of combined merchant shipping of same states will ratify it, then 24 months later


The Fault tree analysis was first introduced at Bell laboratories by H.A. Watson 1962. It is one of the most widely used methods in system reliability,maintainability and safety analysis. It is a deductive procedure used to determine the various combinations of hardware, software failures and human errors that could cause  undesirable event.It is carried out to minimize and optimize resources.      The deductive analysis begins with a general conclusion, then attempts to determine the specific causes of the conclusion by constructing a logic diagram called Fault Tree.       So, Fault Tree is a logical model of the relationship of undesirable events to more basic events.The top level of the fault tree is the undesirable event. The middle events are intermediate events and the basic events are at the bottom.                                             The logic relationship of the events are shown by logic symbols or Gates. The main purpose of the FTA is to help identify pot

NOx, SOx, PM, CH4 and NMVOC emission reduction options

Emission reduction options for NOx:-        The formation of NOx is mainly dependent on the combustion temperature and the detention time at high temperature.Key strategies for reducing NOx in the engine involve reducing peak temperature, reducing the time for which gases are at high temperature and reducing the concentration of O2 in the charge air. all these can be achieved through:- Fuel modification include using a water fuel emulsion, the use of fuel that have a lower nitrogen content and and using fuels with different combustion properties that enable different optimization of the engine. Possible modification of the charge air includes its humidification and a reduction in oxygen content through (EGR) Exhaust gas re circulation or by use of air intake membrane to reduce the partial pressure of oxygen in the charge air. Modification of the combustion process include adjusting fuel injection rate, timing,compression ratio etc. to minimize the creation of NOx. Use of LNG as

Measuring condition, equipment and procedure of noise level under IMO Noise code

Measuring condition:-       On completion of the construction of ship, or as soon as practicable thereafter, measurement of noise levels in all spaces as specified in IMO code on noise level on board ship shall take place under the following condition---    1) Operating condition- The measurement should be taken both during sea trial and as well as during port stay    a) Sea trial:- Ship should be loaded or ballast on a straight course with engine running not less than 80% MCR. All machinery, navigational equipment should be in use at normal sea going condition. The measurement at places where emergency machinery are situated should be taken when the equipment are running.All mechanical ventilation, A/C should be in running condition. Doors and windows in general should be closed. b) Port stay:- Measurement should be taken with cargo gear in operation. Machinery spaces noise measurement should be taken with all machinery operating in port condition. 2) Environmental condition:-

Potential problems due to multinational and female gender onboard a ship and how to reduce the discrimination

Normally a person with different views and ideas is an asset.Different thinking comes with cultures,believes,languages and gender. New ideas should be welcome in a competitive environment. It is better to have different ideas than no idea at all.Therefore particular people fro other culture and women should be more than welcome in the maritime industry.     However there are potential problems associated with employment of multicultural and women crew on board.People from different culture have their own values, perspectives and beliefs. Similarly there is a normal gender bias towards women in the maritime industry as this field is supposed to be a male dominated field. When we judge others, who we do not know, we interpret the meaning of the reason for the behavior of someone from another culture usually with emotion.The problem appear when we do not know the values,perspective and approaches used by the other culture.   People in groups more than four tend to take their culture wi

Why CO2 conversion by chemical method is not feasible on board???

Global shipping is a major contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere.It is approximately responsible for 3.3% of total global CO2 emission. In this context, it is clear that there is a pressing need to consider a long term strategy for the cost effective mitigation of the CO2 emission originating from international shipping.    In principle there are four fundamental categories of options for reducing emissions from shipping. It can be reduced by Increasing efficiency Using less carbon intensive fuel Using different power sources including renewables   and finally Using emission reduction technologies such as chemical conversion We will discuss in the below paragraphs how chemical conversion works and what practical difficulties will be faced on board while using chemical conversion.   Exhaust gas emission fro ship typically have following composition:-- 5% vol CO2 13% vol O2 1500 ppm NOx  600 PPM SOx 60 ppm CO Normally CO2 intensity of shipping is between 3 to 4 kg/s