Role of Chief engineer in implementation of MARPOL 73/78
MARPOL 73/78 has got 6 annexes which deals with pollution caused by merchant vessels. All annexes have chapters and each chapter has regulations which deal with pollution prevention caused by merchant vessels. as a chief engineer one has huge responsibility that vessel is complying with all the regulations of MARPOL. To ensure this he should check the following in general and for annex 1 in particular:- 1) CERTIFICATION :- Statutory certification of ships complying with the requirement of the MARPOL regulations acts as an aid to ensure adherence to international regulation. Annex 1, II, IV and VI gives IOPPC, IPPC, ISPPC and IAPPC to ships which comply with the regulations laid down in the respective annexes. Like IOPP certificate is issued after initial survey before ship is put in service or renewal survey in accordance with regulation 6 of annex I, to all ships of 400 Gt and above and to all oil Tankers of 150 Gt and above, by administration or an RO. C/E should check that ...