
Showing posts from February, 2013


PREVENTION OF POLLUTION UNDER UNCLOS :-           Prevention of pollution of sea is given in part XII, section 5 of UNCLOS. Following are the relevant articles:- ARTICLE 207 -- Pollution from land based sources             States shall adopt laws and regulations to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment from land based sources, including rivers, estuaries, pipelines and outfall structures, taking into account internationally agreed rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures. ARTICLE 208 -- Pollution from sea bed activities          Coastal   States shall adopt laws and regulations to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment arising from or in connection with sea bed activities subject to their jurisdiction and from artificial islands, installations and structures under their jurisdiction. ARTICLE 209 -- Pollution from activities in the area. ( AREA means high seas)         States shall adopt laws and regulations t


ENFORCEMENT BY FLAG STATE:-        It is described in article 217 of UNCLOS. Every state must ensure that vessels flying their flag must comply with the international laws and must adopt regulations to ensure their compliance. State must take appropriate measures to ensure that all vessels flying their flags are prohibited from sailing unless they are complying with international rules and standards. State must ensure all vessels flying their flag are carrying on board all certificates as per international requirement and must ensure periodical inspection of ships to ensure conformity of these certificates with actual conditions on board. These certificates shall be accepted by other states unless they have clear grounds for believing that the condition of the vessel does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the certificate. if a vessel commits a violation of international rules and standards, the flag state must provide for immediate investigation. Flag state


Duties of flag state is explained in article 94 of UNCLOS. It makes clear that the right of owning a ship ( flying the flag of a country) makes the ship a part of the states national property. It also entails duties and responsibilities. 1) Every state shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag. 2) In particular every state shall:-     a) Maintain a register of ships flying its flag with details except those who are excluded from international regulation on account of their small size.     b) Assume jurisdiction under its internal law over each ship flying its flag and its master, officers and crew in respect of administration, technical and social matters. 3) Every state shall take such measure for ships flying its flag as are necessary to ensure safety at sea with regard, inter alia to:-   a) The construction, equipment,and seaworthiness of ship.   b) The manning of ships, labor conditions

How internal audit identifies lack of proper training of personnel?

Element 12 of ISM code, company verification, review and evaluation makes it mandatory for the company to control the shore and ship based safety management system and pollution prevention activities by means of internal audits. Internal audits are to be carried out annually. It is a form of self verification.                                     It will identify, where appropriate with regard to training 1) procedures -- Bunkering, use of machinery checks - arrival, departure etc. 2) Documents -- Oil record book, log book, permit to work etc. 3) Personnel -- Training records, familiarization location and use of safety equipment. 4) Corrective action -- Report of accidents, near miss application 5) Equipment -- Maintenance and operation of OWS, LSA, FFA etc.                  There are two methods for the auditor to find out the above:- 1) Observing -- It gives the visible flaws in documentation, machinery condition/ operation, condition of ship, operation of ship 2) Interviewi


1) RISK ANALYSIS:-              Risk analysis comprises of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. Risk analysis = Risk assessment + Risk management + Risk communication     Risk assessment involves identifying source of potential harm, assessing the likelihood of harm occurring and its consequences.        Risk management evaluates the identified risks, requiring attention and implements plan and actions required to address the risk.         Risk communication involves an interactive dialogue between risk assessors, risk managers and stake holders. Risk analysis is frequently used when carrying out non routine jobs or those with a potential to cause accident or harm. e.g. when carrying out ship side painting in a dry dock, a risk analysis is carried to identify hazard, ( hazard to man and environment) and plans and actions are put in place to address the identified risk.        Risk analysis plays an important role in ship repair/ building, as at its various s


TREATY:-      A treaty is a written international agreement between two states ( a bilateral treaty) or between a number of states ( a multilateral treaty), which is binding in international law. In a treaty willing parties assume obligations among themselves and a party which fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law for that breach. Treaty can be loosely compared to contracts; both are means of willing parties assuming obligations among themselves, and a party to either that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law. CONVENTION:-        A convention is a meeting of various states for a formal multilateral treaty with a broad number of parties . Convention generally means coming together for a common objective. Conventions are normally open for participation by the international community as a whole or by a large number of states. Usually the instruments negotiated under the auspices of an international


COPING WITH STRESS:-         The personnel on board the ship are burned with the magnitude of work due to reduced crew strength on ship. This along with fear of doing something wrong, differences among various people and lack of sleep may lead to tremendous amount of stress in the personnel. Living away from home for months together compounds this problem many folds. It is the duty of chief engineer to ensure that his staff do not get over stressed. This can be done by encouraging better in the personal relation. Praising person for his good job. Briefing them how to avoid mistakes and delegating work so that nobody is overburdened. In addition to all these, talking personally to people, engaging about their family, and other personal matter sometimes help in keeping environment cool and thereby reducing the chance of over stressing. Music, art etc are forms of physical diversion for stressed individual. EMERGENCY RESPONSE:-         Each and every person should be allotted his dut


LONG TERM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT :-                      An individual is judged for his skill and job competence. Special skills and innovative jobs should be recognized and entered in his appraisal report for further development without delay. Thus personal development is more important as in workplace the personality is a major determinant in selection and approach and completion of job along with inter relation. Each man's personality should be entered in his appraisal report for further development without delay and can be recommended for promotion. If a person is appreciated and his needs are fulfilled by employer then a transparent environment conductive to his growth is developed and this will lead to a long term interpersonal relationship development. Thus long term personal development concept is important in success of organization. ATTITUDE AND MOTIVATION DEVELOPMENT :-               A positive attitude and self motivation are crucial for the overall development of a


TRAINING PROGRAM:-                 Training plays an important role in making a person an effective member of organization. Thus training aid in:- Orienting and indoctrinate a new employee. Teaching him specific knowledge, skills, attitudes to perform jobs. Providing the opportunity for self development. Training should be developed on following logic:- Identifying the need for training. Select the appropriate target group for training. Design the training in terms of appropriate learning theory. Evaluate the scope of training with scientifically designed evaluation scheme. Drills on emergency should be regularly conducted and in realistic manner. An assessment of individual's existing knowledge to be made when designing a training program. Training program to be documented, debriefing to be carried out.  Videos, CBT's and demonstration to be used as training aid. INCENTIVE PROGRAM:-  Considering needs of the individual as a driving force in human behavi


Methods of ship building cost analysis:- 1) The Vodoo method –It is also known as black book method of estimation. It is so called because of its secrecy. In this method shipyard personnel estimate the cost of ship building based on their previous experience of building similar ships which are nearly of same size and type. Apart from previous estimate the knowledge of experts and their self made formula also go into this type of cost estimation. All these information are kept secret. This method works only with similar type of ship. 2) Direct method:- In this method during beginning of construction a rough estimate is given and is improvised as the design progresses. 3) Parametric method: - It consists of dividing the ship cost estimation into chunks based on previously available input or extrapolation of that data and finally summed up to give a total cost estimate, which is generally more accurate than the other methods. System and subsystem costs are characterized in a spre


WHO:- It is the UN specialized agency for health and was established in 1948. It,s objective is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. It contracts with member governments, UN agencies and other bodies to develop health standards, control communicable diseases and promote all aspect of family and environmental health. it is governed by 192 member states through the world health assembly.      In 1951 WHO member states adopted international sanitary regulation which were renamed international health regulation in 1969. Its purpose is to ensure maximum security against the international spread of diseases with minimum interference in world traffic. earlier 6 diseases Cholera, Plague, Small pox, Yellow fever, Relapsing fever and Typhus were on the agenda of WHO but later it reduced to 3 namely Cholera, Plague and Yellow fever. Article 81 of IHR states no other documents are


IMO PERFORMANCE STANDARD FOR PROTECTIVE COATING ( PSPC)    Aim of PSPC:- Aim is to improve safety at sea by avoiding the effects of corrosion thus enhancing the structural integrity of the vessel at whole. In specific terms it involves a a target of 15 years useful coating life for ballast tanks classified as being in good condition according to definition used by IACS.           It applies to new building and covers protection of the water ballast tanks in all type of ships of 500 GT and more as well as double side skin spaces in bulk carriers of 150 meters or more in length.  It came in force for all ship building contracts placed on or after 1st july 2008. If no contract all keels laid from 1st July 2012. PSPC already applies to the ballast tank and double side skin spaces of tanker and bulk carriers built in accordance with common structure rules (CSR) since 8th December 2006.       PSPC sets out requirement for improved procedures and better quality control via increased ins


Corrosion can be mitigated primarily by two methods. One method is technical approach, which includes coating, cathodic protection and inhibitors etc. The other method is managerial approach, which is less technical and more managerial. This has been not a major focus of attention for ship owners for many years. Corrosion management is concerned with the development, implementation, review and maintenance of the corrosion policy.      The general conclusion of some authors is that the causes of corrosion related a failure is human error/ poor management control. These causes include lack of inspection/ monitoring, poor communication, mal -operation, insufficient design review and inattention to warnings/ technical information.        Successful management of corrosion means that corrosion hazards are identified and the associated risks are minimized by implementation of appropriate action before significant damage is sustained by the installation. Use of corrosion inspection and cor

How ISM code continuously improves shipboard activities

The ISM code has been formulated for continuous improvement of SMS. There are various clauses which helps to improve the system. these are as follows:- Under ISM code element 12.1, it says company should carry out internal safety audit on board and ashore at intervals not exceeding 12 months to verify whether safety and pollution prevention activities comply with the SMS. By this a company self assesses the system. Under element 12.2, it is mentioned that ship's SMS are to be reviewed by company for effectiveness and to be proposed corrective action accordingly. Under element 12.3, the audit and corrective action should be approved procedure. As per element 9.1, report of NC, accident and hazardous occurrences with the proposed corrective action to be reported to company, so that as per the desired objective can be achieved. As per ISM element 5, where the master's review, overriding powers should be clearly mentioned in SMS. Master's review of SMS is periodical. In


UNCLOS:-United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea.      There were  2 earlier Conventions on same in 1958 and 1970. But both failed. UNCLOS 3 took place from 1973 to 1982. It defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of world's ocean, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment and the management of marine natural resources. It came in force in 1994. It has 17 parts in which 320 articles are there. Apart from that it has 9 annexes. Objective of UNCLOS:- To promote peaceful uses of the sea. To facilitate internal communication. To enable equitable and efficient utilization of ocean. To protect and preserve the marine environment. To promote maritime safety. Under UNCLOS the sea has been divided in different zones. But to define the zones first there should be a baseline. So, we will start from the baseline. 1) BASELINE:- Normally a sea baseline follows the  low water line, but when the coastline is deeply indented, has fringing i


IMDG CODE:-         It was developed as a uniform international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea covering such matters as packing, container traffic and stowage, with particular reference to segregation of incompatible substances. Development of code:- It dates back to 1960 SOLAS conference. Working group of IMO MSC began preparing the code in 1961 in co-operation with UN committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods. It was adopted in 4th assembly in 1965. IMDG code classes:- For the purpose of this code, dangerous goods are classified in different classes, to subdivide a number of these classes and to define and describe characteristic and properties of the substances, material and article which will fall within each class or division. There are 9 classes:----- class 1 -- Explosives class 2 -- Gases class 3 -- Flammable liquids class 4 -- Flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion, substances which in contact with water emit


WORLDSCALE:- Purpose:- To establish a tanker to obtain the same net return per day at the same world scale percentage regardless of the voyage actually undertaken. Structure:- Based upon normal trading voyages of a notional standard vessel. Calculation is based on the costs involved in the standard vessel performing a round voyage on the target voyage( 15000 miles)      World scale schedule issued jointly ---   1) World scale association (LONDON) ltd. -- Rest of the world    2) World scale association ( NYC) INC -- Responsible for north, central and south America, Carribean islands, Bermuda, Greenland and Hawaii. WORLD SCALE-- BASICS 1:-        Constitute an index of reference rates with common calculation factor. it is expressed in USD/tonne of cargo carried. World scale schedule is issued in January, amended for changes in bunker prices, port charges and exchange rates. WORLD SCALE --- BASIC 2:-                 Amendments published when significant changes occur to port


STCW 2010 MAJOR REVISION:- 1. Improved measures to prevent fraudulent practices associated with COC. 2. Revised requirement of hours of work and rest. 3. New requirement for prevention of drug and alcohol. 4. Updated standards relating to medical fitness standard for seafarer. 5. New certification requirement for able seafarer. 6. New requirement for training in modern technology such as ECDIS. 7. New requirement for marine environment awareness training & training in leadership and teamwork. 8. New training and certification requirements for electro-technical officers. 9. Updating of competence requirement for personnel serving on liquefied petroleum tanker. 10. New requirement for security training including training to cope up with piracy attack. 11. Introduction to new training methodology such as e-learning and distance learning. 12. Training guidance for personnel serving on ship in polar water. 13. Training guidance for personnel operating DP syst


1) FREIGHT:-            It is the remuneration payable by the charterers to the owners for the performance of the contract. It is normally payable in accordance with the terms of a freight clause which stipulates the amount of freight, the time of payment and the method of payment.It is often paid under charter party terms partially in advance. It is not payable unless the entire cargo reaches the agreed destination, even not the carriers fault. It is not payable where the owners have breached the contract. 2) CONTRACT OF AFFREIGHTMENT:-         It is essentially a contract to satisfy a long term need for transport, most often for iron ore and coal in bulk. It is an agreement between a charterer and ship owner for the carriage of a specified quantity of specified goods between specified places, over a specified( and usually long) period of time by vessels of a type and size stipulated by a charterer but which are nominated by the owners. The goods to carried and the total pe


A) NECESSITY OF PROPER FILING:-        Control of document is required by element 11 of ISM code. Proper filing is advantageous because of:- 1) Proper filing ensures quick retrieval when required for future reference. 2) A ready reference is available for inspection 3) Filing forms is a systematic means of record keeping. 4) Standardization of record keeping across vessels enables more efficient record management. 5) Organized filing also saves storage place. 6) Proper filing is also required by legislation and regulation. i.e. MARPOL requires BDN to be filed and     maintained on board.  7) Numbering and naming of files also serves as a means of a reference number during correspondence and reports. 8) Proper filing of a document mean it should go in a proper file with proper number and in a proper order at proper time. B) EFFICIENT CONTROL OF FOLLOW UP AND VERIFICATION:-     Follow up means keep yourself updated regarding the inquiry you have sent for answer,